Sight - To do a little twist on a Robert Frost poem, this beer is lovely, dark, and deep. It is much darker and richer in color and texture than your standard pumpkin, giving it a character that distinguish itself from other pumpkin ales.

Taste - The smell is important because in this style of beer, it predicts the taste flawlessly. This taste more like pumpkin pie than actual pumpkins. This is not a bad concept at all, as the higher end pumpkin ales are just like this. The taste itself is full of spice at first, then slowly turns in pumpkin at the end of the sip. Delightful and enjoyable, a beer to simply drink one a chilled autumn night.
Overall - Cottonwood is a great high end pumpkin (pie) ale at a great price that is better than other pumpkin ales. The only problem I have with it is its availability, because of its rarity. It is hard to find beyond restaurants and bars. Please tell me if you can find this beer on tap. Anywhere.
4 out of 5 Cheers!