Most people have had a Corona in their past. Of course, with every Corona comes a lime. I did not forgo this important step when reviewing this, but I did sample the beer before adding the lime. So let's get down to this.
Sight - As you could see in the picture, the head of the beer is extremely lacking. But Corona is not know for its wonderful head, but for its cool, drinkable, and relaxing nature. At least thats what the ads for this beer state. When looking at the actually beer, a lager appears that reflects a sunny day. It looks to be promising.
Smell - Tipping the glass to my nose, and giving a big sniff raveled that there is not a lot of smell to this lager. Its hard to get a sense of the hops in this beer, as they are very weak. If you get close enough, you will start to pick up on a smell of the malts, although still weak, and not rewarding.
Taste - Without adding the lime first, Corona gives a hard bitter taste from the first gulp. It is almost unbearable to drink because of the lack of flavor and strength of alcohol that usually accompanies bitter beers. Adding the lime solves a lot of these problems with the bitterness, but the problem is that you have to add a lime to Corona to make it a drinkable a beer. The limes adds tartness and smoothness to the beer, almost to the point where the drinker is forgetting that he or she is drinking a beer. These two polar opposites works against each other, and do not come together in harmony. You either like the bitterness, the extreme smoothness, or you don't.
Overall - Corona can be enjoyable on a hot summer day. It is an easy drinkable beer, but lacks any true qualities that make up a remarkable beer. You are not going to brag to your friends that you drank Corona, just that you are relaxing. The price is excellent though, which could make up for the problems I have the beer for other people. One thing that can be proven is the success of Corona advertising all over the world.
2 out of 5 Cheers!
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