Visiting the Hirschbrau Brewery again in Bavaria, Germany, the heffeweisse is an important beer to any German brewery. Roughly translating into 'wheat beer,' this traditional beer is heavy yet refreshing, bitter yet crisp. this style of beer is drank in the summer mostly. Let us see if this heffeweisse follows this tradition.
Sight - This beer has an amazing head! It appears to be cool and crisp which is different for most heffeweisse, but not unheard of. The color of the head is lighter, but, again, not too odd. The actual beer itself looks more like a pilsner more than a heffeweisse, which has a more brown color than amber. With these differences in mind, this beer sparks a lot of interest in me.
Smell - With so much hype generated by the mere sight of this beer, the smell is a huge let down. It does not smell bad, but the beer has an extreme lacking of one. Even after being allowed to breathe for a bit, the smell is just not there.
Taste - Forget everything you have ever tasted a heffeweisse before because Hirschbrau is completely different. The best way to describe the beer is sharp in its taste; it is there, then it is not. It is very hard to pick up on because of the sudden changes in taste. The quick taste you do get in the first part of the sip is refreshing and nothing short of a good beer, but it does not last. A mere flash of good tasty beer. The rest of the sip if completely forgettable.
Overall - This is the second beer I have reviewed from the Hirschbrau Brewery, and the second time they have let me down. They just cannot make beer on the same level as other brewers in Germany, nor can they follow tradition very well. This beer is just low quality overall.
1 out of 5 Cheers!
weihenstephaner hefeweiss is ifinitely better and usually easy to find. Can't go wrong with the worlds oldest brewery, est. 1040.