Happy Autumn Everybody! Up here in the Appalachian Mountains, peak is just right around to corner, so to match the season, we are looking at the Tumbler from Sierra Nevada. The brewing company takes some brewing style traditional done in the winter and applies it to this beer. Fresh roasted malts are the primary ingredient, along with some spices that work well with this toasty main ingredient. Is the roasted malts a good pick, or will they go up in flame?
Sight - Dark and full of flavor is this beer's appearance. It does not carbonate well, but this helps to lock in the flavor of the roasted malts. You can tell this from the size of the head of the beer, as a full pour into a glass gives almost no head. A good start for this style of beer.
Smell - Malts! Malts! Malts! Not only that though, but roasted malts! It has a sweet smell of sugar, but also the scent of a roaring bonfire on a crisp fall night. This is due to the various spices that are brewed within the beer.
Taste - The first thing you taste is the sweetness of the malts, followed by the roasted flavor of beer. This is not your hoppy beer, but a smooth dark beer that is perfect for any day in the Autumn. The aftertaste is where the true roasted flavor lies with an explosion of the roasted malts. The aftertaste taste like liquid bonfire smell. It might be the best part of the beer.
Overall - Grab this beer and go to the nearest bonfire you can find. Make sure to bring a lot of them and that the sky is clear for the night. Or go on top of a mountain on a windy day, sit, and watch the leaves tumble down with this one. This beer will satisfy any beer wants you have for a fall beer. Go out and grab them NOW!
5 out of 5 Cheers!!!
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