
Hunter's Beer gives reviews and descriptions of different beers that I sample and enjoy. I welcome all to sample, share, and comment with their own experiences of different beers. This blog will use many different styles and values of beer, from mass produced American beers to top of the line micro-brewers to historical brews from around the world. I present the information on the beer in a very informal and laymen manner, nothing you would find at a vineyard in France. So come, pop a top, and enjoy!

I will be using a 'cheer' system for quick ratings of the beer. The main factors I will use are taste, quality, lasting appeal and price.

5 Cheers - The best example of the quote by Ben Franklin "Beer is proof that God loves us and want us to be happy."
4 Cheers - Good enough to be remembered a week after drinking it, but falls just short.
3 Cheers - Only good enough to remembered the next day.
2 Cheers - Forgotten the next day, but good enough to be remembered in an hour.
1 Cheer - Forgettable.
Crickets - Skunked beer. Not even finished.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Winter Solstice Seasonal Ale - Anderson Valley Brewing Company


While not in season right now, this winter beer is highly sought after in the winter, and to find it now is rather hard, particular on the east coast.  Anderson Valley Brewing Company is located in Bonneville, California and tends to have most of their beer stay on the west coast.  A hard beer to find in the summer for sure.  Is it worth the treasure hunt?

Sight - Being a winter beer, the dark amber color is very fitting.  It could be compared to a warm crackling fire.  If the beer is a fire, the the head is the smoke, as it rises quick and is completely white.  Perfect setting for a beer on a cold winter night.  At least it looks that way.

Smell - Malty!  The amounts of malts in this beer can be solely told from its smell.  There are so much malts in it that this could well be a dessert beer.  This is almost be a problem as all you smell is the malts, not of any of the holiday spices that have been added to the beer.

Taste - Now the problem between the malts and the spices are in full fold once the beer is sipped on.  Malt at first, malt in the end.  The only difference between the taste and the after taste is the slight, slight hint of nutmeg in the aftertaste.  At least the spices come out of the beer in some shape or form, if only for a small window of time.

Overall - The beer is nothing more than a supplement to a dessert, not too be enjoyed by itself.  This really hurts it in the long run, as most people do not want to drink beer and eat cake at the same time, especially in the winter time.  Really, if you see this beer, do not get it unless to cook with or to drink with holiday cake of some sorts.  I enough the company's mascot though, a bear with antlers.  (Jackabear?)

2 out of 5 Cheers!


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