
Hunter's Beer gives reviews and descriptions of different beers that I sample and enjoy. I welcome all to sample, share, and comment with their own experiences of different beers. This blog will use many different styles and values of beer, from mass produced American beers to top of the line micro-brewers to historical brews from around the world. I present the information on the beer in a very informal and laymen manner, nothing you would find at a vineyard in France. So come, pop a top, and enjoy!

I will be using a 'cheer' system for quick ratings of the beer. The main factors I will use are taste, quality, lasting appeal and price.

5 Cheers - The best example of the quote by Ben Franklin "Beer is proof that God loves us and want us to be happy."
4 Cheers - Good enough to be remembered a week after drinking it, but falls just short.
3 Cheers - Only good enough to remembered the next day.
2 Cheers - Forgotten the next day, but good enough to be remembered in an hour.
1 Cheer - Forgettable.
Crickets - Skunked beer. Not even finished.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ayinger Oktoberfest Beer - Ayinger Brewing Company


 This beer is the second time I have drank a beer form the Ayinger Brewery.  If you remember, I did their Celebratory double bock, giving it a 5 out of 5 cheers.  Just in time for the Oktoberfest season, Ayinger brews a traditional märzen beer that is served at Oktoberfest. Märzen is like a lager, but with more malts and a smoother finish.  How does this relative new brewer stack up against tradition for the biggest beer fest in the world?

Sight - This is German beer, at least by appearance.  It has an amazing head that carbonates well after the beer has been poured.  A good attribute for a  beer that will take some time to drink due to the volume of the beer.  It has a cool amber color, perfect for an autumn beer.

Smell - Smelling like a true märzen, the beer smells sweet, due to the malts used in it.  It is simply the basic smell of a lager that defines this beer, allowing tradition to follow in crafting it.  

Taste - Here we go!  One sip gives the slightest taste of bitterness, but that is quickly washed away by the sweetness of the beer.  It is not sweet like a dessert beer, but an enjoyable beer to drink anytime of the day.  The idea of 'full body' beer is best explained here, being drinkable all the way to the bottom.  It has a very distinct style and taste that no other beer comes close to matching.

Overall - Every wanted to taste the beer they serve at Oktoberfest, but do not have the time or money to go there?  Get this beer.  A beer that follows the traditional märzen to the letter.  I do not really have problems with this beer because it embraces the traditional aspects of this beer type and does not divert from the tradition.  

5 out of 5 cheers!

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